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Gold DofE Residential


5 Days

Life Saving + Adventure


  • Unique gold DofE experience
  • 5 days camping residential
  •  (Indoors April & Oct)
  • 5 adventure activities
  • NUCO First Aid Qualification
  • RLSS Life Saving Award
Scenic Campsite

Our stunning private campsite has incredible views of Corfe Castle

Fully Catered

We provide nutritious & delicious food, with all dietary requirements catered for

Free transfers

We offer free transfers to Wareham train station on arrival & departure

Amazing Instructors

All of our instructors are highly qualified, very friendly & fully DBS checked


Camping in bell tents with hot showers (Indoor accommodation is available in Apr & Oct only)

Approved Activity Provider

We are a Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Approved Activity Provider

More Info

12th Apri

29th May 

17th July 

24th July 

31st July 

7th August

21st August 

28th August 

23rd October 


All Duke of Edinburgh Gold Residentials run Mon-Fri.

Start: Monday lunchtime (12.30pm)

Free transfer from Wareham Train Station / Drive yourself / Get dropped off

Full itinerary of adventure activities morning, afternoon & evening

Fully catered accommodation

Finish: Friday (3pm)

Itinerary (subject to weather)
Day 1: Team Building
Day 2: First Aid Training
Day 3: Lifesaving Training
Day 4: Coasteering & Hike
Day 5: Paddle Boarding / Jumbo Paddle Boarding

Evening activities include: Sports, Camp Fires, Group Games

Outdoor Accommodation (May to August) - Purbeck Valley Farm
Private campsite | View of Corfe Castle, campfires & sunsets Pre-pitched bell tents | Bring your own sleeping bag

Indoor Accommodation (April - YHA Swanage & October - Sandyholme)
Walking distance to beach
Comfy rooms | Bedding provided

Under DofE guidelines we are allowed to accept two students per school onto each package per week.

We are a fully accredited DofE activity provider (AAP) - click to view


Adventure Mark


Public Liability Insurance

Ofsted registration

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