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Bushcraft Training Pathway | Outdoor Instructor

NCFE provide diverse, nationally standardised and recognised qualifications and awards.

Bushcraft Training Pathway Accredited by NCFE | Outdoor Instructor

Most Bushcraft Instructors draw on lots of experience and knowledge when they are working in the woods.

Experience and knowledge can be hard to quantify if instructors want to work for a variety of companies.

There is no National Governing Body for bushcraft.

Lots of companies offer bushcraft training courses that cover lots of different learning outcomes.

The Institute of Outdoor Learning approves some courses – those courses tend to be based around personal skills.

NCFE certifies and quality assures some courses – those courses tend to be focused on personal skills and teaching and leading.

Butchering a deer on a bushcraft training course

Land & Wave Bushcraft Training Courses 

Land & Wave offers these Bushcraft courses that are accredited by NCFE…

  • Level 2 Bushcraft Instructor (30 hours)
  • Level 3 Bushcraft Leader (60 hours)
  • Level 4 Advanced Bushcraft Leader (120 hours)

Our Bushcraft courses are accredited by NCFE and offer a clear, consistent pathway in terms of building experience and knowledge.

We expect all of our Bushcraft instructors to hold at least the  Level 2 Bushcraft Instructor Award (or the equivalent).

Personal experience and knowledge is very important. Qualifications allow outdoor companies to determine and describe a minimum standard.

Level 2 Bushcraft Instructor Accredited by NCFE (30 hours) 

The  Level 2 Bushcraft Instructor Award is best suited for people who wish to teach fundamental Bushcraft skills in the woods e.g. 

Outdoor Instructors who wish to diversify the activities they can lead.

Teachers wishing to lead sessions on school grounds.

Youth workers who want a simple way of taking their work outside.

10 Mandatory Units

  • Unit 1 – Tools
  • Unit 2 – Fire
  • Unit 3 – Shelter
  • Unit 4 – Campfire Cooking & Hygiene
  • Unit 5 – Knife Sharpening
  • Unit 6 – Wood Work
  • Unit 7 – Game Preparation (bird)
  • Unit 8 – Game Preparation (fish)
  • Unit 9 – Fire Lighting Development
  • Unit 10 – Introduction to Friction Fire Lighting

Introduction to friction fire lighting on a bushcraft training course

Level 3 Bushcraft Leader Accredited by NCFE (60 hours)

The Level 3 Bushcraft Leader Award is best suited for people who wish to lead and teach groups of people in the woods to develop and improve skills e.g.

Bushcraft Instructors who wish to develop current skill sets and increase personal knowledge. 

Senior Outdoor Instructors who wish to show technical competence.  

Forest School Leaders who wish to develop a practical, skills led teaching/ leading qualification. 

8 Mandatory Units

  • Unit 1 – Plant and Tree ID
  • Unit 2 – Natural Cordage
  • Unit 3 – Friction Fire Lighting
  • Unit 4 – Friction Fire Lighting Development
  • Unit 5 – Advanced Knife Work
  • Unit 6 – Axe Throwing
  • Unit 7 – Archery
  • Unit 7 – Game Preparation (fur)
  • Unit 8 – Water Collection and Treatment

Level 4 Advanced Bushcraft Leader Accredited NCFE (120 hours)

The Level 4 Advanced Bushcraft Leader Award is best suited for people who wish to train new Bushcraft instructors e.g.

Senior Outdoor Instructors who wish to train a staff team.

Senior Teachers who wish to lead staff training 

Advanced Bushcraft Instructors who wish to train new staff. 

4 Mandatory Units

  • Unit 1 – Design and preparation of teaching materials/ areas for teaching all units of the NCFE Level 2 Bushcraft Instructor Course.
  • Unit 2 – Delivery of all sessions for the NCFE Level 2 Bushcraft Instructor Course
  • Unit 3 – Coaching and mentoring of students on the Level 2 Bushcraft Instructor Course
  • Unit 4 – Personal and taught Camp craft

Land & Wave Trains Outdoor Instructors…

Land & Wave Trains Bushcraft Instructors…

09 September 2020 by Owen Senior

There is no National Governing Body for Bushcraft. National awarding organisations like NCFE provide diverse, nationally standardised and recognised qualifications and awards.

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