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Outdoor Adventure Instructor Training for Teens in Purbeck

Local teens are being given a unique career-boosting opportunity right in the heart of Purbeck. For the first time ever, local 16-19 year-olds can receive free vocational training in one of Purbeck’s most successful industries: Outdoor Adventure.

Purbeck Teenagers Inspired to Stay Local

Local teens are being given a unique career-boosting opportunity right in the heart of Purbeck

For the first time ever, local 16-19 year-olds can receive free vocational training in one of Purbeck’s most successful industries: Outdoor Adventure.

Hundreds of thousands of visitors flock to the Jurassic Coast all year round to enjoy organised adventure activities such as climbing, kayaking and coasteering. These outdoor lovers significantly boost the local economy by spending money on adventure activities, guest houses, shops and restaurants; generating job opportunities in a variety of sectors including outdoor education.

The Purbeck School in Wareham has recognised the excellent local career prospects for young people in this industry and is helping students access these jobs via its new vocational sixth form course: Outdoor Adventure & Sport BTEC Level 3.

The two-year sixth form course enables students to gain the BTEC Level 3 certificate (which is accepted by universities) plus all-important employable instructor qualifications too. The new course is helping students train locally for fantastic jobs along Dorset’s adventure-filled coastline.

Jayne Seymour, Careers IAG Co-ordinator at The Purbeck School says,

“This is an excellent qualification which supplements The Purbeck School’s range of outstanding Post 16 provision.”

The Purbeck School has chosen to partner with local outdoor providers Land & Wave to deliver the course. Course leader, David Mutton says, “This is a practical, vocational course, so it makes sense that students learn from industry professionals who live and breathe outdoor adventure every day. Students have a fantastic advantage of seeing the inner workings of a thriving company and can gain plenty of valuable work experience during their two-year course.”

During their course, students learn a variety of skills that are attractive to employers: first aid and sea rescue, group management, voice projection and professional presentation, risk assessment and safety, expedition planning and working to deadlines. Students also attain qualifications that enable them to lead groups in adventurous activities such as coasteering, bushcraft, paddle boarding and kayaking.

David Mutton says “This course is a real investment in the community’s young people and our local economy. It’s so important to back Purbeck’s future generations and ensure they are well supported when it comes to career choices. Outdoor adventure is a sustainable local employment route that offers excellent progression for individuals into management roles and senior positions later on in life.”

To find out more about the Outdoor Adventure & Sport Course, contact David Mutton 01929 423 031

16 April 2015 by Owen Senior

16-19 year-olds can receive free vocational training in one of Purbeck’s most successful industries: Outdoor Adventure

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