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Free Adventure Weekend For Teachers – Dorset – Get Involved

This is for teachers, heads and senior leaders who are responsible for booking school trips. You MUST be DBS checked. Land & Wave school trips are suitable for Year 4 pupils upwards (min age 8).

When is it?

7 –  8 October 2017 (Sat-Sun)

What is it?

It’s a FREE adventure weekend in Dorset just for teachers! A weekend of adventure activities, comfortable accommodation (with a swimming pool, sports pitches & movie room), great food and the chance to get a real feel for Land & Wave school trips.

 What will you do?

‣ Coasteering, Kayaking, Paddle Boarding, Bushcraft around a campfire…    Discover all our adventure activities for yourself ‣ Experience our comfortable residential accommodation    You’ll discover Harrow House – the facility we use for many residentials ‣ Sample the excellent food    Adventure fuel – breakfast, lunch AND dinner – it’s all part of the experience. ‣ Meet the friendly Land & Wave team   Say hello to our friendly, experienced team who could be running your future school trips ‣ Meet other teachers   Enjoy adventures with like-minded people

Who is it for?

This is for teachers, heads and senior leaders who are responsible for booking school trips. You MUST be DBS checked. Land & Wave school trips are suitable for Year 4 pupils upwards (min age 8).

Unfortunately we cannot accept teachers from infant schools.

Enjoy adventures with like-minded people

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